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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
HAIKO super market 31
HYPER CITY market +lines 3
HYPER CITY market +stripes 4, 5, 8, 11, 16, 26, 29, 30, 31, 33
J.K. super market JKS +arro 35
JAJU'S super market +arcs 35
KALAVARA-margin free market 31
KSM kalwa super market 35
LIVE market watch +square 42
M2M molecule to market 5, 31
M3 money market manager 9
M3-money market manager 16
MALVIKA super market 35
MART IN hyper market +bag 35
MEDIA market +spiral 9, 11, 35
METTO super market +cart 35
MGF market PLACE M +oval 37, 41
MINES TO market 16
MY MAHA YOGAM super market 42
market 36, 41
market 35
PMR punjab market reporter 35
RADHE super market 29, 30
RADHE super market +feather 16
RADHE super market +heart 30
RADHEY super market +feathe 30
RAJ MANDIR super market 29
RAJAS super market 35
RELIANCE market 39, 42
RELIANCE YX market 42
RELIANCE big market 35
RELIANCE c-market 42
RELIANCE city market 42
RELIANCE star market 42
RELIANCE tiger market 42
RELIANCE tiger market expre 42
SANTHOSH super market 42
SHUBHAM super market 35
SNX one india one market 37
SOFTMART the super market 9
SURYODAYA super market 29
V&J MAX super market 35
V. RAVJI'S super market 16
VIJETHA super market 42
WELCOME super market 35
WOT NOT! 7to9 super market 3, 5, 29, 30
city mini market +man woman 16
dsp DEDHIA super market 5
financial super market 36
margin free market 35
new CONVENT GARDEN market 16, 18
new COVENT GARDEN market 3, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33
s SUNDARAM super market 30
sarkkar SMS super market 30
marketing LEADER 9
marketing manager 9
9PEA marketing +leaf 9
marketing 35
ADDIS marketing 16
ADDIS marketing (LABEL) 16
AM ASHIRWAD marketing 35
ANON marketing 38
ASM academy sales marketing 41
BOMERANG marketing 29
BOOMERANG marketing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33
BOOMERANG marketing +arrow 35, 42
BOOMRANG marketing 14, 15
CAT PULT marketing 35
CIERS marketing services 36
CONCEPT agro marketing +lea 1
EBRANDZ web marketing 42
FLEMINGO marketing & tradin 35
FLOJET marketing (p.) ltd. 17
GANANCIA complete marketing 42
GMC global marketing compan 11
GWAYS marketing ltd. +globe 16
HANRIDH marketing consultan 16
INDIGLO marketing & adverti 35
INNOVATIVE marketing +apple 16
JMD marketing +arrow square 16
KALANI marketing 33
KAN WHIZZ sales & marketing 36
LAKSHMI marketing services 35
LEGEND marketing services 16
LMC lakshmi marketing +oval 30
LOCH marketing 33
M VISHVAS marketing 32
MAIL marketing 9
MAKE-MARK marketing +arches 16
MH M.H. marketing 16
MMS money marketing system 35
NJ india marketing 19
PAN ASIA marketing solution 35
RADIUS marketing 21
RELIANCE marketing services 42
RELIANCE super marketing 42
RIPPLE marketing 16
RUCHI marketing advertising 3
S SONY marketing +circle 30
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